Do you want to learn how to navigate the quantum realms and facilitate powerful, life changing healing?
In this 3 day course, we will provide:
powerful, potent energetic and sound upgrades provided by Joe, Sophie and her Pleiadian and archangel guides to help awaken dormant gifts & more
teach you how to work with your own natural abilities in the quantum realm
live practice time with each other, under our guidance and support
At the end of this training you will know how to:
access and navigate the quantum realms, in your own unique way
how to cleanse, energise, drain, upgrade the chakras and use them as a road map to expand on for many other issues people come to healing for
inner child healing
be able to travel across all timelines to get to the root cause of the issues (past life healing for example)
Accreditation is optional.
You can choose to do the course, for self development purposes, self healing or simply curiosity.
If you want to work as an Evolve quantum healer and be insurable with this modality, there will be an accreditation process you will need to complete.
You will need to complete 10 healings with reports and feedback on the sessions yourself and feedback from your client, with each one too.
These healings will be checked by remote viewing from Joe. This means he can quantumly go back into your healing and see the work done and how the session went. Joe will write you feedback and if necessary you may have to revisit these healings to pass the accreditation process.
You can book the training first, and pay for the accreditation at a later date if you prefer. You will have a year (from first training day date) to take up and complete the accreditation process. If any later then this, you will need to complete the level 1 training again (at your own cost, including accreditation cost) to become an Evolve Healing level 1 facilitator.
Quantum healing is a very powerful method of healing, it’s truly limitless.
With this in mind, it is important that you come to this training with the right intentions, so that this knowledge is placed in trustworthy hands and you can serve others, in a way that they deserve.
If you are feeling drawn to this work, maybe you have personally benefitted from it, or if you have been practicing other modalities and been knowing there is 'more' you can access but don't know how, this is the training for you!
No previous training is required, just an open mind and heart and a willingness to look within, throughout this process and beyond.
Saturday & Sunday 26th & 27th April 2025 (in person - in The Lighthouse, Orpington, Kent)
Saturday 31st May 2025 (online)
The times may vary slightly but they will be full days 9-5pm at least.
You must be able to attend all 3 days, in order to do complete this qualification.
Energy exchange options
Course fee- £666 Upfront or instalment payment option
Course and accreditation fee - £888 Upfront payment option only
Course and accreditation fee - £999 Instalment option cost
Accreditation only fee (you can pay this and submit your 10 hours of healings and reports and feedback, up to a year from your course start date) - £333
How do I apply?
To apply for this training please fill out the following form and we will get back to you.