Detailed benefits
Kambo Helps the Body Eliminate Mold, Candida, and Parasites: The whole purpose of the Kambo ceremony is to detoxify the body through a deep purge-induced cleanse. This ritual can help the body eliminate toxins and you will likely “purge out a lot of mold, candida, and parasites,
It Targets Physical and Emotional Conditions:
Through the cleansing process, Kambo will target a variety of physical and emotional conditions Kambo has an incredible cleansing and detoxifying effect, it can help with chronic disease, autoimmune, anxiety, and depression.
It Increases Clarity and Energy
There are certain peptides that stimulate the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland, which is going to boost your energy for long term
Some of the potential effects of these compounds include:
• Improved mood and reduced anxiety - possibly from the interactions that lead to reductions in the main stress hormone, cortisol, within the bloodstream.
• Pain relief - certain elements have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the inflammation associated with some type of pain, as well as other compounds that have some opioid-like effects, and that can also cross blood-brain barrier, causing pain blocking effects within the brain itself.
• Anti-cancer properties - an indirect result of the action of some compounds leads to reduced blood vessel growth, which is a property used in a number of treatments that can help to restrict tumour growth in cancers with targeted delivery.
• Treatment of addiction - helping to reset certain chemical pathways in the brain that are fouled by addiction. Some of the peptides are opioid-receptor binding, meaning that they bind to the receptors in the brain that opiates normally bind to. This could help those with opiate addiction by helping to normalise brain hormonal responses without the need for opiate ingestion.
• Lowered blood pressure - many of the peptides have vaso-dilatory effects, meaning that they widen blood vessels. This allows more room for blood to flow and so contributes to lower blood pressure. Indeed, these are what cause some of the light-headedness and dizziness that can be felt when taking Kambo.
• Heart protective properties - in addition, this widening of blood vessels can increase blood flow to the heart. Along with some of the other effects on smooth muscle, this has the potential to aid heart health.
• Anti-microbial properties - many of the compounds have effects to fight against fungal and bacterial infections. Actually, this is one of the reasons why the frog from which Kambo is harvested secretes this substance in the first place - to help protect its skin from fungal and bacterial infection, which are a particular menace to amphibians.
• Removal of negative energies - known as ‘Panema’ which is an Arawak word used to describe a cloud of negative energy that grows over time. Like an aura around a person. They believe this to cause depression, lethargy, laziness and otherwise bad things to happen to an individual. The purging associated with Kambo is mainly the purging of this bad energy to be renewed and refreshed.
• Purify the mind and spirit - hitting the spiritual reset button. Removing all that is impure and starting anew with a fresh mental slate.
• Treat illness and physical ailments - access to medicine in remote rainforest areas is often difficult. Kambo is amongst a number of traditional cures for a variety of maladies.
• Encourage fertility - if fertility can be impacted by bad energy then a purge and a purification can only help those who wish to conceive a child.
• Increased strength and physical endurance - those of us that enjoy the call of the gym, as well as the call of Kambo can often attest that some of our best sessions come in the days after a Kambo ceremony. The weights feel a little lighter and the grind a little easier.
• Heightened senses - vision, hearing, smell, touch. Often people report and extra sharpness to the senses, ‘like the world has been turned up to 11’
• Mental clarity - sometimes it feels like thinking can come easier. There’s less chatter and thoughts whirling around in your brain. You are generally less in your head.
• Reduced stress - whether it’s the reduction in cortisol, or the shared bond formed from practising Kambo amongst others, stress and problems can seem diminished and much further away than in the past.
• Sense of calm - the calm that descends after the purge in Kambo can last a number of days after the event. Everything seems just that little bit quieter.
• Increased compassion and courage - you may find yourself reacting a little differently to things that come up in your life. Where there was previously annoyance, maybe some extra empathy. Where you shied away, maybe you step up that little bit more.
• Reduced frustration, anger and anxiety - emotions that don’t serve you can be lessened. Whether as a result of your increased sense of calm, or from some realisation that you found through Kambo.